Monday, February 23, 2015

Week 7 Reading Diary A: Ryder's Panchatantra Part 1

Ryder's Panchatantra

The Ungrateful Man
There was a Brahman named Sacrifice. His family was poor and his wife bugged him about going to get food. He went on a journey and went into a forest. He came upon a well. He looked into it and saw a tiger, a monkey, a snake, and a man. The tiger convinced the man to pull him out. The other animals convinced Sacrifice that he should pull them out, as well. They told him not to pull the other man out because he was a shrine of every sin. The animals left and told Sacrifice to visit them one day. Sacrifice felt bad for the man in the well so he pulled him out. The man said he was a goldsmith and told him to bring gold to him. Sacrifice headed home, but then went to visit the monkey. Next he visited the tiger and the tiger gave him a gold necklace. Sacrifice took this back to the man for him to sell. The man took it to the king and the king had Sacrifice fettered. (The necklace was the prince's) The snake came to help Sacrifice. It ended with the goldsmith being arrested and Sacrifice and his family living happily.

The Duel between Elephant and Sparrow
A sparrow and his wife lived in a nest in a tamal tree. An elephant came under the tree in search of shade. He pulled at the branch with the nest on it and broke all the bird's eggs. The sparrow and his wife barely escaped their death. The mother was very upset and a woodpecker tried to comfort her. She wanted to kill the elephant. They came up with a plan and went through with it. The elephant died.  This was a story that was a part of The Plover Who Fought the Ocean

Right-Mind and Wrong-Mind
Right-Mind and Wrong-Mind were sons of merchants and they were friends. They traveled to a different country and Right-Mind found a pot with 1000 dinars. They decided to return home. Right-Mind wanted to split the money and Wrong-Mind wanted to each take 100 dinars and bury the rest. Right-Mind agreed with his friend. Wrong-Mind blew through his money very quickly. They went back to their money and each took 100 dinars again. Wrong-Mind lost it all quickly again. This time he went back to the money alone and took it all. Later, Wrong-Mind took his friend back to the spot to get the rest of the money. He accused Right-Mind of stealing it all! They took their issue to court and it was decided that the goddess of the wood would reveal the guilty one. Wrong-Mind asked his father for help. His father told him the story of A Remedy Worse Than the Disease. The story ended with Wrong-Mind being found guilty and being punished.

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